366 Saturdays

2 weeks in the Bay Area

After our whirlwind tour of LA and Santa Barbara, we headed north to the San Francisco Bay Area. Having left Copenhagen almost 3 months ago for the second leg of our journey, it was a good time to take stock of the trip, share some stories and catch up with friends and family.

Our time over the holidays was, as you would expect, mostly focused on food and drink (all delicious), but we also managed to squeeze in some small trips to San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland and Petaluma. I guess in a way we were still fairly busy travelers. It was great to see family, especially since Alex’s uncle Mike was able to join us from Florida, and so many old friends, including a number of new family additions (i.e. babies).

Some highlights include Karaoke in Japantown for New Year’s Eve (ironically at a Korean restaurant), a number of mandatory brewery visits (see here), some delicious duck (for Danish Christmas) and roast lamb (for American Christmas), a 1986 port wine that Alex’s dad had been dutifully saving for almost 10 years, and one of the coolest roadside bars (a monument to classic Americana) that we’ve ever seen.

One thought on “2 weeks in the Bay Area

  1. Jer

    It was great to see you guys out here! Also, this reminds me I have to take down my Christmas lights. Ernie’s looks cool – may inspire a trip up to Petaluma at some point.

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