366 Saturdays

World Expo 2015

If you didn’t know, Milan is currently hosting the World Expo (Alex was surprised that they still have those). Luckily, we had discussed this with some friends before leaving Copenhagen, so made a special point to stop in Milan for a few days. While this was Alex’s first Expo, Kristina actually went in Vancouver in the 1980s. So at least she had some vague idea of what to expect.

The theme this year was food and the United Nations sponsored a number of exhibitions looking at food safety and sustainability (maybe an opportunity for an EKF CSR Department excursion?). We saw various countries’ interpretations of the theme. Some were really great, some were really not. Our favorite country exhibitions included Poland, the UK and Bahrain. Interestingly, each of these 3 countries included different interpretations of gardens. The US exhibition had a really cool “waterfall wall” as well as a taped speech by Obama, but while impressive, it didn’t make our top 3.

We spent all day at the Expo but still didn’t manage to see it all. We were ultimately driven out around 22.00 by the mosquito invasion that started at dusk. In any case, it was a lot of fun but a bit cheerleading and nationalistic at times (yes we mean you Russia) and somewhat creepy at others (see Slovakian mannequins below).


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