Welcome to the Traveling and Maps page. Here you will find travel statistics, route maps, our current location and rough itinerary. Check back as we will update regularly
# of kilometers by car: 13.388
# of kilometers by bus: 2.710
# of kilometers by train: 2.337
# of kilometers by plane: 73.856
# of kilometers by boat: 2.187
# of kilometers by funicular: 0.97
Current location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Rough itinerary
- May: The Netherlands, Belgium, France, northern Spain
- June: Portugal, eastern Spain, northern Italy
- July: Croatia, Slovenia, northern Italy, Germany
- August/September: Copenhagen (short trips to London and Warsaw)
- October: Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos
- November/December: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Hawaii
- Late December: California
- January: Uruguay, Argentina, Chile
- February: Chile, Panama, Costa Rica
- March-May: Mexico, United States, Canada